A mesmerizing journey around the Earth

Above the Clouds is a realtime 3D cinematic experience celebrating the Earth. It was created for the Earth Day 2015 to remind us about the beauty and uniqueness of our planet and to inspire us to be better in our relationship with each other and the Earth.

This project was made with love for planet Earth. The experience was created for modern browsers that support WebGL.

Tip: Move your mouse around to explore the views. You can toggle on/off the subtitles and the music.

Sources and inspiration:

Created by Plus 360 Degrees. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Music composed by Sean Beeson. Follow Sean on Facebook or Twitter.

Text by Carl Sagan from his book "Pale Blue Dot", where he speaks about our planet's appearance in a photography taken by the Voyager 1 space probe.

Images of Earth: NASA. Beautiful capture of Earth at night by NASA.

Technology: HTML5, WebGL with Threejs engine. Animations with Greensock. WebAudio with buzz. Loading bar with PxLoader. Save image with FileSaver.

We would like to thank all the people above for their work and you for seeing this!